Trade Regulation Tidbits
This posting was written by John W. Arden.
News, updates, and observations:
A recent article in The Economist magazine asks whether the Obama Administration will back up its “tough talk” on antitrust enforcement (“Return of the Trustbusters,” August 27 print edition). “Companies are likely to find themselves scrutinised at least as intensively as they were under the administration of Bill Clinton, when many senior antitrust officials in the justice department and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) cut their teeth on a celebrated anti-monopoly lawsuit against Microsoft.” While new antitrust chief Christine Varney believes that the Bush Administration’s lax antitrust enforcement contributed directly to the economic crisis, that view is “debatable, to say the least,” according to the article. The Bush Administration did pursue cartel activity enthusiastically, obtaining record convictions, jail sentences, and fines, the story contends. Varney’s efforts to ramp up enforcement will face several obstacles, including the U.S. Supreme Court (which has issued several decisions narrowing trustbusters’ room to maneuver) and the “possible disagreement within Mr. Obama’s cabinet.” Given the “wretched state of the economy,” some administration officials are questioning whether to “risk upsetting the few bits that are growing strongly with gratuitous antitrust cases.” Text of the article appears here.
On August 17, the American Antitrust Institute filed an amicus brief, urging the U. S. Court of Appeals in New Orleans to adopt a presumption of illegality for resale price maintenance agreements and to overturn the lower court's dismissal of the amended complaint filed in PSKS, Inc. v. Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. The brief, which appears here, also argues that the lower court erred in requiring the plaintiff to meet a strict test of market definition. In 2007, the Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals’ decision (PSKS, Inc. v. Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc., 2006-1 Trade Cases ¶75,166), applying the per se rule to uphold an award of $3,975,000 to a retailer that was terminated by its manufacturer for discounting. The high court declared that vertical price restraints are no longer per se illegal, but instead should be evaluated under the rule of reason standard (2007-1 CCH Trade Cases ¶ 75,753).
Maine’s new privacy law—which prohibits the collection of personal information for marketing purposes from a minor without parental consent and bans “predatory marketing” to minors—is being challenged in a lawsuit brought by media and online companies, including AOL, eBay, and Yahoo. The lawsuit, filed August 26 in the federal district court in Maine, claims that the law violates the First Amendment rights of adults, as well as minors and online operators. The Maine statute (“An Act to Prevent Predatory Marketing Practices Against Minors,” Public Law 230) was signed by the Governor on June 2, 2009, and will take effect on September 12, 2009. Text of the law appears here on the Maine State Legislature’s website. Further details about the law appear in an August 12, 2009 posting on Trade Regulation Talk.