Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rebates to Large Utility Customers May Have Violated Federal, Ohio RICO Laws

This posting was written by Mark Engstrom, Editor of CCH RICO Business Disputes Guide.

An individual and three Ohio businesses could proceed with federal RICO and Ohio Corrupt Practices Act claims against an electric utility and its subsidiary (Duke Energy Corp. and Duke Energy International, Inc.), the U.S. Court of Appeals in Cincinnati has ruled.

The utilities allegedly made “side agreements” to pay substantial and unlawful rebates to large customers, including General Motors, in exchange for withdrawing their objections to a rate-stabilization plan that the utilities had proposed as part of a move to market-based rates. The plaintiffs sufficiently alleged: (1) money laundering and mail fraud; (2) proximate cause; and (3) obstruction of justice.

Money Laundering

According to the court, the alleged transfer of money—from large customers to the utility, from the utility to one of its affiliates, and from the affiliate back to the large customers—tainted the money, which became the proceeds of mail fraud. The plaintiffs thus alleged a cognizable claim of money laundering based on mail fraud.

Mail Fraud

The defendants argued that they were not required to disclose any rebates because differential pricing was not, by itself, a fraudulent practice. The plaintiffs, however, alleged that the utilities had engaged in mail fraud by using the mails to inform their customers that everyone had to pay “mandatory and unavoidable” electricity charges.

Because these mailings implied that all customers paid the same rate, the plaintiffs adequately alleged that the utilities had engaged fraud by failing to disclose their side agreement with large customers.

Proximate Cause

The utilities argued that: (1) the plaintiffs’ theory of liability rested on the independent actions of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) and (2) the remedy sought by the plaintiffs would require the PUCO to enforce the law. The argument was flawed because the utilities confused the relationship between an allegedly wrongful act and a proximately caused injury with the relationship between an allegedly wrongful act and a remedy for a proximately-caused injury.

The PUCO did not the cause the plaintiffs’ alleged injury; the defendants did, through an allegedly fraudulent scheme. The fact that the plaintiffs had to bring their case before the PUCO or the court did not mean that a third party had disrupted the chain of causation. The defendants’ argument that a finding of proximate cause would be speculative—because the PUCO might not have found the rebates to be unlawful—was also unavailing.

Obstruction of Justice

The plaintiffs sufficiently alleged obstruction of justice as a predicate act for their Ohio Corrupt Practices Act claim against the utilities. The plaintiffs alleged that the utilities’ legal counsel “consciously and deceptively denied,” in on-the-record proceedings before the Ohio Supreme Court, the existence of side agreements between the utilities and some of their customers.

Obstruction of justice under Ohio law involved the communication of false information to any person for the purpose of hindering the discovery of a crime. The selective payment of rebates, the court noted, was a felony in Ohio. Therefore, the communication of false information to any person—for the purpose of hindering the discovery of the selective payment of rebates—constituted obstruction of justice.

The defendants argued that the alleged communication of false information had occurred in civil proceedings, but that fact was irrelevant. Ohio’s obstruction of justice law contained no requirement that a false statement had to be made in a criminal proceeding. The defendants’ contention that the alleged obstruction was made in defense of the corporation did not shield the defendants’ counsel from liability.

Even if corporations were not considered “persons,” corporate counsel was not permitted to freely make false statements before a court and evade liability for obstruction of justice.

The decision is Williams v. Duke Energy International, Inc., CCH RICO Business Disputes Guide ¶12,222.

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